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Jurnalul evenimentelor

Bine ați venit pe Pagina noastră de Evenimente, destinația dvs. ideală pentru a descoperi evenimente viitoare adaptate părinților și îngrijitorilor copiilor cu nevoi educaționale speciale și/sau dizabilități. Aici, veți găsi o varietate de evenimente menite să ofere informații valoroase, sprijin practic și oportunități de a intra în legătură cu alții care împărtășesc experiențe similare. Fie că este vorba despre un atelier despre sănătatea mintală, un webinar despre strategiile de adaptare sau o întâlnire locală pentru o conversație prietenoasă, evenimentele noastre sunt concepute pentru a vă oferi cunoștințe și pentru a construi o comunitate de susținere.

Asigurați-vă că reveniți în mod regulat pe măsură ce actualizăm această pagină cu oportunități noi și interesante de a învăța, de a împărtăși și de a crește împreună.


Following your feedback, Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum has funded these workshops and is working with different organisations to deliver them to parent carers in Bedford Borough.

Thursday 16th January 10.00am - 12.00pm

Identifying Early Developmental Concerns

Delivered by: Smart Bright

This workshop is about early years concerns developmental worries at nursery/pre-school, who can help, where to discuss concerns.

Book your place here


Wednesday 29th January 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Reasonable Adjustments in Education

Delivered by: Smart Bright

This workshop will give you a basic understanding of the Equality Act 2010, how this law can support disabled pupils. What are reasonable adjustments and how to ask for these to be implemented.

Book your place here


Thursday 6th February 6.30pm - 8.30pm

SEN Support in Educational Settings

Delivered by: Smart Bright

This workshop will help you better understand the graduated approach of support, what is quality first teaching, what is special educational provision, understanding terms, jargon and processes

Book your place here

Tuesday 25th February 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Understanding your Child’s Reports

Delivered by: Smart Bright

This workshop will make sense of what professionals write and what this means for your child and how to ask for any suggested recommendations.

Book your place here

Thursday 20th March 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Busting those SEND Myths

Delivered by: Smart Bright

This workshop will bust some of those outrageous myths, using case law and lawful statements and facts.

Book your place here


Monday 24th March 7.30pm - 9.00pm

‘Can’t Not Won’t’ Differently Parenting

Delivered by: Eliza Fricker

This workshop is delivered by The Sunday Times bestselling author of Can’t Not Won’t Eliza Fricker.

Book your place here



At the Child Development Centre (CDC) in Kempston, Teacch Room.

These are drop-in sessions hosted by Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum which aim to strongly signpost families that are just starting in the complex world of SEND or those who have some concerns about their child's development. You can expect a lot of resources, a hot spot to research anything and some SEND practitioners to help answer any questions you have. 

Friday 31st January 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Teacch room at the CDC in Kempston

Thursday 6th March 7pm - 9pm



Saturday 22nd March 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Teacch room at the CDC in Kempston


These ten-minute bookable slots allow parent carers to meet with professionals and service providers to discuss their cases. You must email to book.


Monday 10th February 9:30am - 11:30am

Heads of Services bookable slots

At the Child Development Centre In Kempston (Teacch Room)

Book to speak with various heads of services practitioners.

Monday 25th March 9:30am - 11:30am

Education bookable slots

At the Child Development Centre In Kempston (Teacch Room)

Book to speak to various educational practitioners about your child's education including.


Email us to book your ten-minute slot


These are open sessions where practitioners can share information about their service and be available for questions from parent carers.


Monday 20th January 9:30am - 11:30am

AET information session

At the Child Development Centre In Kempston (Teacch Room)

Monday 3rd March 9:30am - 11:30am

Charities information session

At the Child Development Centre In Kempston (Teacch Room)


There’s no need to book but, to ensure that we have an idea of attendees, please contact us via email to register your interest.


These events are supported by the local Authority and provide additional opportunities for SEND families to enjoy together. To attend you must be a SEND family living in Bedford Borough or receiving services from Bedford Borough.

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